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Hydrolyzed Casein

by jughandle
Casein Hydrolyzed

(Thickening Agent) Casein, the principal protein in milk, is a nutritious protein containing adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids. People who are allergic to casein should read food labels carefully, because the additive is used in some “non-dairy” and “vegetarian” foods.

A word about “Partially Hydrogenated” Oils:

It is now known that the process of hydrogenation creates “trans fatty acids” (TFAs), which are toxic entities that enter cell membranes, block utilization of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and impede cell functionality. TFAs also cause a rise in blood cholesterol. These substances are not present in natural oils.

Trans fat, which is also called hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Trans fat is found in margarine and shortening and foods — such as cookies, crackers and other commercially baked goods — made with these ingredients. Trans fat raises LDL cholesterol and lowers high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the “good” cholesterol.

Hydrolyzed: A protein obtained from various foods (like soybeans, corn or wheat), then broken down into amino acids by a chemical process called acid hydrolysis. Hydrolyzed plant or vegetable protein is used as a flavor enhancer in numerous processed foods like soups, chilis, sauces, stews and some meat products like frankfurters. Hydrolyzation of protein inevitably creates some (processed) free glutamic acid (MSG).

Manufacturers are acutely aware that many consumers would prefer not to have MSG in their food. Some manufacturers have responded by using “clean labels,” i.e., labels that contain only ingredient names they think consumers will not recognize as containing MSG — names such as “hydrolyzed soy protein.” Others advertise “No MSG,” “No MSG Added,” or “No Added MSG,” even though their products contain MSG

ref: truthinlabeling.org

source: www.healthfinder.gov/news

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Hydrolyzed fat | Shereesvoice January 26, 2012 - 5:14 am

[…] Hydrolyzed Casein | Jughandle's Fat Farm […]

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