This is part 2 of a multi-part post about our body’s pH
part 1 – Neutral pH is the sum of all things healthy
The aquarium metaphor
Compare our body to an aquarium. If you’ve ever set up an aquarium, you know how important it is to maintain a neutral pH in the water. Over time the waste and decay in the tank from the natural processes of the fish make the water’s pH start to drift toward acid. For a while the filter and oxygen tube will take care of the problem. Soon the filter isn’t enough and you have to exchange part of the old water for new “fresh” water. The oxygen is over taken by carbon dioxide. If you plant the correct plants (which produce O2) and change the water and filter you can maintain a healthy aquarium. If you don’t, the water will soon become very acidic and your fish will die.
Our body is very similar to the aquarium. When we are young we tend to eat more vegetables and drink more water. Our kidneys are healthy and they filter the waste from our body and bring our urine, saliva and blood back to a pH level of around 7.35 on the average. As we grow older, like in the aquarium, the natural process of aging produces various types of acid in our system that can overwhelm our body’s filter. The body is a very sophisticated organism and has many tricks to keep us healthy.
When the body can no longer effectively neutralize and eliminate the acids it will relocate and convert them to things that other organs and the blood might be able to deal with. Acids are converted to cholesterol, calcium binds to uric acid and oxolic acid and are eliminated in the urine. Our joints and bones become inflamed with acidic fluid. If you aren’t drinking enough water, not just liquids, you are not flushing these toxins from your system. The body then stores the acidic toxins in the fatty tissue, muscles, bones, organs, blood and skin on our body. Our bodies become very acidic and acidosis can occur.
From Health Wealth and Happiness
by Dr. Gary Tunsky
7 Bodily Responses That Fight To Maintain pH
All metabolic processes, including immunity, depend on a delicately balanced pH, which harmonizes electromagnetic energies. The body constantly fights to maintain a blood pH at around 7.35 -7.45 much like our internal thermostat that tries to maintain a 98.6-degree body temperature. There are seven homeostatic adaptation responses that fight to maintain this pH balance.
1) Using high pH bodily fluids such as water as a solvent to neutralize acid residues.
2) Pulling bicarbonate from the pancreas into the blood (an alkalizing agent). Bicarbonate ions are generated into the blood cells from carbon dioxide and diffuse into the plasma.
3) Protein buffers of glutathione, methionine, cystine, taurine, just to name a few, act as buffers intra-cellularly to bind or neutralize acids during cellular disorganization.
4.) Electrolyte buffers of sodium, calcium and potassium work in the blood, lymph, and extra-cellular and intracellular fluids to bind acids, which are then removed through the urine.
5.) Pulling stored calcium and magnesium from skeletal bones and teeth to neutralize blood acids.
6.) Filtration and elimination of acidic residues through the skin, urinary tract and respiration.
7.) Pushing blood acid residues and accumulated toxins into outer extremities as a storage bin away from vital organs. The wrist, joints, fingers, toes and skin are the major target areas to keep the toxins from saturating internal vital organs like the heart and lungs.
When all seven-protection phases are overwhelmed, the end result is accumulated acid residues at the cellular level, which drown out oxygen. With this acidic, low oxygen terrain, the microzyma’s(small ferments) trigger morbid microbe infiltration of fungus, molds and parasites, cancer cells, etc., where they seek the diseased acid terrain as food. (Editor’s note: The term “microzyma” was created by Antoine Bechamp. These are small living components of cells and are described more fully later in this article ).
As these organisms feed, they produce waste just like you do. Their urine and feces are called mycotoxins, which are very poisonous to humans. Being acids themselves, mycotoxins greatly worsen the acidity caused by an acidic diet and toxic acid emotions. They are spilled into the blood as well as inside cells, where they cause free radical damage to the genetic material of the cell eventually causing cell death. The dead necrotic cells also spill out acid wastes. The blood poisoning results in more cell and tissue poisoning furthering the disturbance of the microzyma triggering morbid forms of yeast, molds and viruses, which disrupts body chemistry causing disease to the systems. So it’s a vicious cycle. One acid condition creates another Acidic diet coupled with toxic acid emotions creates an acid pH to the cells. This causes low oxygen levels(hypoxia), which is necessary for keeping back destructive anaerobic microbes and immuno-suppression is the result. Then medical doctors come in and treat the acid condition with another acid (pharmaceuticals).
All Disease Is Acid Related
In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste build-up within weak cells and organs that are too weak to clean house. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration, establishing the highest pH. That is why most degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. They occur usually after 40 years of age.
The underlying causes of cancer, heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, kidney disease, asthma, allergies, psoriasis and other skin disorders, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, obesity, tooth and gum diseases, osteoporosis, morning sickness, eye diseases, etc., are the accumulation of acids in tissues and cells, poor blood and lymph circulation, and poor cell activity due to toxic acidic residues accumulating around the cell membrane which prevent nutritional elements from entering the cell.
And the name of the particular disease depends upon the location of the deposits of this acidic, toxic, pustulant soup. If the accumulating deposits are in the joints it’s called arthritis. If the poisonous waste matter accumulates in the pancreas and saturates the beta cells that synthesize insulin it’s called diabetes. If the toxic sludge is dumped in the lungs it’s called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It’s the same disease. Wherever your weakest link in the chain of organs is, that’s where your genetic disposition for disease will be.
If the overload is too great for the blood, excess acid is dumped into the tissues and cells for storage. Then the lymphatic system and immune system must neutralize what it can and attempt to discard the toxic waste. If the lymphatic system is overloaded generally due to a lack of exercise, acid deposits will suffocate the cells and damage DNA. If the lymphatic system is pumping through exercise and circulation, they will pick up the acid wastes and neutralize them through the kidneys. Unfortunately, they must dump them right back into the blood stream. This will force the blood to attempt to gather more alkaline salts in order to compensate while stressing the liver and kidneys. This robs Peter to pay Paul.
Treat the Disease NOT the Symptom
Our medical community, in general, is taught to treat symptoms and not the underlying cause of the problem. How is it that over 500,000 coronary bypass surgeries are performed each year with the number rising and the core problem is not being addressed until it is too late.
I’ve told you before that I’ve had 6 operations in the last 2 years to remove kidney stones. Nothing, until recently, has been done to find the cause and therefore the cure.
Disease is caused by the acidic condition of the patient’s cellular environment. Disease starts on the cellular level. An acidic cellular environment is caused by a toxic diet, toxic environmental exposures and a toxic lifestyle. Toxins aren’t just what you might consider the normal stuff like alcohol, tobacco, etc. Toxins are acid forming substances, such as proteins, refined sugars, starches and more. We need a balance.
If you think I’m wrong – please speak up and tell me why. I’ll tell you what to do about this problem in later posts. – jughandle