I’ve always had a tendency to embrace the different, the abnormal, the path not taken. I’ve been called white bread, main stream or even normal by those who haven’t taken the time to know me. I’ve always felt that it was the 1 or 2 percent of the population that leads the flock. Not that I’m part of that 1 or 2 percent, but those people are my heros. In a flock of white sheep, I’m not the black sheep. God knows being an out right radical would take too much energy and I’m already working hard not to be lazy. If you understand that sentence, you understand me. I’m more of a grey sheep. The sheep who doesn’t clean up with the rest of the flock, the one who says, “hey, lets take this muddy path, the grass just might be greener”. Yes, of course, 80 percent of the time, it’s just a muddy path, but wow, those other times are what make all the difference.
Some Day
I thought that if being my own boss, didn’t work out I’d just go back to being a normal sheep and get a job like everyone else. Life is interesting. Life doesn’t allow me to make easy decisions like that, something always stands in my way. I’ve always had a fear of the end, the long nap, the transition, change. I guess it is more of a fear of the unknown. I’ve known many people who have gone on without me. My Great-grandparents,Grandparents, my Father, my brother, aunts and uncles, close personal friends. Each a every one of us must deal with death in our own way and face it alone. I’m going to be 60 this next year, too late to go back, my path has been chosen. Twice in my life I was told I wouldn’t live to see that birthday. Four other times I shouldn’t have lived at all. God must have a purpose for me. Please God, show me what it is.
My Path
I’ve had an amazing life. A life very few people have or will be blessed enough to enjoy. I don’t need a bucket list, because I’ve done most everything I’ve ever wanted to do. I was given the gift of “jump” early in my life and in a small way it allowed me to be part of an elite group. I’ve been a winner and I’ve been a loser. I always learn more when I lose. I’ve made a couple of good choices but I’ve guessed mostly wrong or was not given a choice at all in most of the changes in my life. No regrets, none.
I digress
Sorry, my first bloody mary just kicked in and I lost my train of thought. My point was vegetarianizum
To be or not to be
Vegetarian Times shows that there are roughly 7.3 million vegetarians in the U.S. An additional 22.8 million are flexi-tarians, which means they try to be vegetarians but eat meat every once in a while. Of the 7.3 million vegetarians, 1 million are vegans who don’t eat any animal based foods at all. I’ve been a vegetarian for 88 days now. It really hasn’t been hard, I’ve even cooked meat dishes for others. I’ve come to the point now that I need a change. I’m finding myself eating way too much cheese and dairy, which doesn’t allow me to reach my goal of reversing any plaque or heart disease I might have.
Today is Christmas day. My Mother, my brother and his wife and my wife are all going to cook a nice Christmas meal together. I’m going to join in the consumption of meat. Today will start the next phase of my plan. I am intending to take the next step. After today, I will become a Vegan. Yes, I can say the word now. I plan on eating meat or dairy only 1 time per week and transition to eating meat or dairy 1 time per month for the entire year of 2012. But my main focus will be strictly a plant-based diet with no eggs, cheese, milk or meat.
Wish me Luck
Wish me luck, is a line for those who still don’t know me. I believe that luck is the point where preparation meets opportunity.
I’m happy doing this, join the 2 percent if you dare. What do you have to lose? You can always go back, right? Take it one day at a time. – jughandle