My blog has roughly 1500 readers per week. I appreciate each and every one of you. Apparently I hit a good subject with the pH thing. GOOD! Seems that I’m a little behind in finding out about this important health topic. I started to creep up on the subject, but many of you want more information NOW.
My niece sent me the following food pH chart that I think is fantastic. I’m going to post this chart today to jump start you that are chomping at the bit for more information. I’ll let you know now to monitor your pH tomorrow. If you have seen other charts you might find a conflict or two. I’m looking into that. – jughandle
Acid in foods and how your body metabolizes them are very different things. Lemons are one of the best foods we can eat and everyone knows how acidic they are. Some foods that start out alkaline become very acidic when cooked. Carrots are a good example of that. Meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves an acidic residue in the body because of how hard it is to digest.