Char House Strawberry and Banana Cream pie are words that any one living in Sandy Springs Georgia in the 1960s and ’70s would cause their head to snap around. A son of Sandy Springs Georgia, I grew up there and live not far away still today.
Long story short, Sandy Springs once had an iconic eating establishment called “The Char House”. It was located smack dab in the middle of “town”. Everyone, and I mean everyone ate there at some point in their lives. The burgers were griddle smashed with great pickles but it was the cream pies that kept you coming back.
Performing an unofficial poll I found that most people seemed to prefer the Strawberry Cream Pie to the Banana, at least 4 to 1. I guess I’m just different but I could eat, and did on numerous occasions, a whole banana cream pie. I didn’t know it at the time but I’ve been told there was also a chocolate cream pie.
After years of searching and asking around, I finial have acquired what I’ve been told is the authentic recipe from the Char House for their “ice box” or “cream pies”. I have made the recipe and found it very similar to my memory. Hope you enjoy it too. – jughandle