There are few things more satisfying than to make your own pasta. It is delicious, inexpensive, healthy (no additives) and looks like you went to a hell of a lot of trouble for your guests. (but it is easy). I’ve been making my own pasta and teaching others for close to 40 years. The following video by Jamie Oliver is a good example of how easy and fast it is to make your own pasta. You can even dry and freeze your fresh pasta for even quicker meals later.
Jamie Oliver
The recipe I’m about to give you is different than Jamie’s but I’ve had good results over the years with it.
1 cup of all-purpose or whole wheat or semolina flour
1 T olive oil
1 1/8 tsp salt
1 whole egg
1/2 c water (only use as much of it as necessary)
This is enough for 2 normal servings. For a dinner of two couples I would make at least 3 of these. If you have leftovers, freeze them or refrigerate and use them tomorrow.
Just as in Jamie’s video, I’d mix the dough in a food processor. Put all of the ingredients in the processor except the water.
Turn on the processor and as it turns into a grainy texture, drizzle, very slowly, water in through the feed port. Stop adding water just as the dough starts to ball up. Continue to process for another 10 seconds until the dough sticks to the blade in a ball and spins around the processor. Remove and rest the pasta ball under a clean towel for 5 minutes, or while you make the other servings you require.
By hand
To continue by hand, knead the dough for 5 minutes or until it is elastic without cellulite like bumps in it. Dust the rolling surface with flour and roll out your pasta into long thin sheets about a 1/16 of an inch thick. Then dust the sheets again with flour and roll the sheets into loose rolls to slice with a knife to the thickness of pasta desired.
By Machine
Using a pasta machine is by far the best way to make pasta. You can find machines everywhere and for all prices. My machine is a Pasta Queen and has 8 settings, allowing me to make very thin pasta. Some machines are expense, electric machines that do almost everything for you. You can get a decent machine for under $40.00
Knead the pasta on the thickess setting until it is smooth. Then lower the setting one pass at a time until you reach the desired thickness. Then turn the handle around to the cutting side and cut into noodles.
Cooking Fresh Pasta
Cooking fresh pasta couldn’t be easier or quicker. Bring a large pot of water and 3 T of salt to a boil. When you reach a rolling boil add your fresh pasta. You’ll need to have your colander ready in the sink because the cooking should only take 45 to 90 seconds. After the noodles are done transfer them into the colander and briefly run cold water on them to stop the cooking. After draining the pasta, place the colander, pasta and all on top of or in the still warm (but not on) pot. Stir in a little butter or olive oil. Season and serve.
I hope you try this pasta making thing. You can have fun with your guests or kids – jughandle