I want you to join me in a SUGAR Detox Diet.
This diet will be easy. Let’s start with 3 days with the long term goal of 1 month.
Why you need a sugar detox diet
There is no reason a person with normal body functions should need to eat anything with added sugar. If you just can’t avoid it, which is a reasonable assumption, the World Health Organization says that you should have no more than 6 teaspoons per day. That is 2 Tablespoons.

SAO – Sugar Addicts Anonymous Obvious
You may or may not be addicted to sugar. Only about 10% of the population is. Even if you aren’t addicted you have a sugar problem. Most of us could lose a few pounds, or get that rosy glow back in our cheeks. Do you get a craving? You need a sugar detox diet.
Here are just a few things you will gain on this Diet:
Weight loss: Sugar has calories about 50 per Tbsp. But the worst part is that sugar makes you hungry for more sugar. The more you eat, the more you will want to eat.
- More and Better Sleep: Sugar make you anxious and nervous which makes for fitful sleep and less of it. You will notice a difference.
Reduced bloat: Our diet includes Artificial sweeteners which are notorious for causing bloating. You retain water. Artificial sweeteners cause a host of other problems. You should always avoid them.
Mindful eating: Because you are going to need to be aware of what you are eating you will need to read the labels of any packaged food you eat. Not a bad thing anyhow.
Better dental health: Sodas, sugar and other acidic foods cause a bunch of dental problems.
Sustained energy:Do you “crash” around 11 am from a sugary breakfast treat? This diet will help eliminate that crash.
- Better Liver Function:The only organ in your body that can break down fructose is the liver.
- It turns fructose into triglycerides (which can damage liver function), free radicals (which can damage cells), and uric acid (which may cause damage to your arteries).
- Sucrose is table sugar, the kind that is added to baked goods, candy, and most foods. Sucrose is composed of a mixture of glucose and fructose. The part that is glucose gets sent to your bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar. The part that is fructose gets sent to your liver to be metabolized.
Food labels:

Food labels will change to give us more information and of course information is power. Until they do change you won’t know how much natural sugar and how much added sugar is in a packaged food.
4 Grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon. Remember you should have no more than 6 teaspoons or 24 grams of added sugar per day.
The Diet
Easy peasy. Read food labels and avoid anything that has added sugar in it.
Ok, you may have to eat more fresh foods and meats. Just try it for 3 days and let me know how you feel. -Jughandle