I don’t know about you but my scale and the BMI say I’m “morbidly Obese”
Now, that is an ugly term. I don’t like it and I’d like to be just “obese”.
I haven’t always been this way. For most of my life I was an athlete. I lived and breathed it. Then in or around 1995 I was teaching a few 8th grade kids how to triple jump (My specialty in college.) I felt a pop in my left hip and to make a long story short, I’ve been on and off crutches ever since with a diagnosis of “Avascular Necrosis” of the hip. That is bone death and the only remedy is a $50,000 hip replacement. Since then my other hip has suffered the same fate. I only tell you this to explain that my weight gain is more or less food related and not due to lack of exercise. “What?” You say. “If you have a fractured hip you can’t exercise, please explain.” Ok, I believe that exercise is just a faster way to burn calories and an excuse to keep eating large. I love to cook and eat, I can’t stop. I can stop a lot of things cold turkey, but since we have to eat to live, it makes it hard to give up. So I have to learn to eat and lose weight. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in exercise, I just can’t do it like I need to.
I’ve tried most of the popular diets in the last 15 years. I even lost 47 lbs 3 years ago by joining “SparkPeople” and counting my calories. I hated it. Since then I blossomed to my all time high last December at 287. Wow, that is hard to write, but you have to own it to change it.
I’m an old 58 years, having had cancer twice, making me a survivor of sorts. In January of this year I had a sit down with myself and decided I needed a permanent solution or resign myself to an early demise. This blog is the result of my conversation with my alter ego, Jughandle, and also a way to give back to others for God allowing me to spend more time here on earth.
“Jughandle,” I said, “What the hell are we going to do about our ugly self?”
“Jerry”, Jughandle replied, “you know you can’t do a diet for more than a month, and you love to cook and eat too much to stop, you might as well go ahead and die…except for the fact that we both love living so much.”
“I’ve got it,” Jughandle snapped, “I’m going to read and study the interaction of the body to the food we eat and find the best way to lose weight while staying healthy and eating delicious meals.” “Then we both are going to blog about it to share that knowledge with our friends and others who need it.”
Born from a mountain of fat is “Jughandle’s Fat Farm” and the NO Diet, Diet.
You might be asking, “Jug, have you lost any weight yet?” Yes, I have, around 27 lbs since February. Not anywhere near my ultimate goal of 87 lbs or 200 body weight, but a start none the less.
My point of all this conversation is that we can lose weight and stay healthy just by eating the proper type of food at the proper time of day in the proper amounts.
Will you join me. I don’t care if you lose a pound, I just want you to be healthy. And there IS a revolution in the making!
Jughandle and Jerry out.