Brown Derby French Dressing
In 1937, Robert Cobb, the owner of the renown Brown Derby Restaurant, had unexpected hungry friends drop-in one evening. He threw together his now famous Cobb Salad with French Dressing. The ingredients were things he happened to have in his refrigerator at the time. This Brown Derby French Dressing recipe the dressing he was able to come up with for the salad became a Brown Derby staple. The rest is culinary history. -jughandle
Brown Derby Cobb Salad French Dressing
What You Will Need:
- 1 C vinegar - Red-wine
- 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice - Juice of 1/2 lemon
- 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tsp Dijon mustard - English or French mustard of any kind
- 1 C Olive Oil
- 2.5 C Vegetable oil
- Salt - to taste
- Pepper - to taste
- 1 clove Garlic - chopped
- 2 tsp sugar - or to taste
To Make The Dressing:
- yields 1-1/2 qts
- Mix all ingredients, except the oils and sugar in a bowl or 2 qt. mason jar
- Add the oils slowly while whisking or blending to emulsify
- add sugar 1/2 tsp at a time to taste – remix
- adjust seasonings
- chill before serving
Ways To Use The Dressing:
This dressing is great as a marinade or basting sauce too.